Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian butt lift is known as one of the most rapidly growing aesthetic enhancements in the U.S. and is currently in popular demand by both men and women. This body contouring surgery offers individuals a natural way to attain a fuller, shapelier buttock without using an implant. Weight loss, aging, as well as genetics can cause a deflated butt. Today, a curvy, rounder rear end is considered more desirable. A fat transfer to the buttocks adds fullness to the butt to create the wanted outcome. It is accomplished through a uniquely specialized fat grafting and transfer process, which first uses liposuction to take unwanted fat from a targeted section of your body and then reinstates it into your buttocks. There is an artistic approach to perfecting the Brazilian butt lift and with many years of experience and training, Dr. Jason D. Johnson is able to create natural, stunning results at PHX Plastic Surgery.

Brazilian Butt Lift Ideal Candidates

The ideal patients for the Brazilian butt lift will be examined to make sure they are right for this treatment. The first consideration is to make certain there is enough fat on the body to extract for the transfer process. If you have lower body weight or have limited fat to harvest, you may not be a good fit for this procedure. In addition, it is also important to have healthy skin laxity. If you have wrinkled or sagging skin, you may be a better fit for a surgical butt lift. If you are at a stable weight, have enough fat to remove, and do not want to use an artificial device such as an implant, the Brazilian butt lift can be a great option for you.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgical Technique

General anesthesia is used for this surgery. It is considered an outpatient procedure and typically takes about 2 – 3 hours (this depends on how much fat is being removed and transferred). Liposuction will be the first step to extract fat from certain locations on the body, such as the thighs, flanks, and lower back. This treatment of fat removal is performed safely. The fat tissue is never exposed to air since it is purified in a closed system. At this time, high-quality fat tissue is separated and put into syringes. The final step is the injection process, where the harvested fat tissue is reinstated layer by layer followed by a gentle massage to ensure the surface is even. This process is repeated multiple times until the desired fullness has been achieved.

What to Expect with Brazilian Butt Lift

Following a Brazilian butt lift, you will be released home to heal. Keep in mind there are two areas that need proper healing — where the fat was removed and the buttocks. Both areas will have some swelling and bruising. Patients should try their best to not place extreme weight on the backside for at least two weeks following surgery. Once the swelling has gone away, results can be seen, but in most cases the full outcome is seen in about 4 – 6 weeks. Your buttocks will look fuller and shapelier. Even better, the body parts that had fat removal may make your result more dramatic if it was implemented on the hips or lower back.

Brazilian Butt Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get implants or a fat transfer?
To add volume to your butt, you can choose butt augmentation with either implants or a fat transfer (the Brazilian butt lift). During your consultation, Dr. Johnson will talk to you about both options and help you decide which is better based on your body and goals. He will also assess your body to find the best areas with excess fat that would benefit from liposuction (typically the stomach, thighs, or back). If you have a low body fat percentage, you may not be a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift.
How long will my results last?
While some fat may be reabsorbed by your body after the transfer, most of the fat cells will remain in their new location for a long time. To maintain your results, you should keep your weight steady since significant weight gain or loss will compromise the results of the surgery. This is why Dr. Johnson recommends you be at or near a healthy, stable weight before your Brazilian butt lift so it is easy for you to maintain.
How can I recover faster after a BBL?
To help speed your recovery after a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Johnson or a member of his team will go over post-operative instructions and tips. You will need to avoid sitting on your butt for at least two weeks as the area heals. Dr. Johnson recommends you get a donut-shaped pillow or a Boppy nursing pillow that allows you to sit so the pressure is on your thighs instead of your butt. Short walks and light stretching can help to improve your blood circulation and decrease inflammation. Dr. Johnson may also recommend a lymphatic drainage massage to speed your healing.
Will a Brazilian butt lift remove loose skin?
The name of the surgery, Brazilian butt lift, is a little deceiving because it is not actually a butt lift (gluteoplasty), which eliminates loose and sagging skin from the buttocks. However, the new volume added to your butt during a BBL may fill some of the loose skin. If you have moderate to severe sagging skin in your buttocks, you may combine a butt lift with your Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Johnson can discuss your options based on your goals during your consultation.

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